decloaking? aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! romulans! no wait it's
the klingons! oh it's the defiant phew... sorry star trek
moment ;)...
> Well, I've received three whole messages from this group
> already
> and discovered how very VERY technical this group is.
don't worry about all the technical drenn i don't understand
most of it and i've still managed to get several lovely
translations for "fuzzy blue monkeys" (and probably annoyed
lots of people in the process:D)
> I'll
> probably shut up until I can find the time to start
> constructing
> my own language.
well, though i do have a language it's really quite pathetic
compared to everyone else's and yet i still manage to throw
my 2 cents in every once in a while... so feel free to keep
sending emails especially since the below statement implies
you have a much better idea of what you're doing than i do
> In the meantime, has anybody attempted a reconstruction of
> HP
> Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos language(s)? Even as I ask
> this I
> suspect the phonemes are too simplistic for a proper
> language.
> Just a thought.
> -david mckay
fuzzy blue monkeys...shmuli atae muhnkia...jiqek qelek
nimmekel...Luddiga blå apor...flauschige blaue
Affen...tódifai kówainG MANgKIi...