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Re: Weekly Vocab 8

From:Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 23:05
The belated Vocab Series 8 in Modern Jovian:

 > 1. kilogram (appropriate unit of weight or mass for you and your
 > conculture)
 > I need a kilogram of flour.

Ejo un asse de frina.
['e:jA @n 'ass d@ 'bri:n]

 > 2. bread
 > It's for the bread that I must serve to my cousin.

Ix ei paene cen muesso mintrare ei miu cusaene.
[iS e bajn kem 'myssA min'tra:r e vi gu'zajn]

|Cusaene| is basically the French /kuzE~/ cast into a Jovian

 > 3. fever
 > He has a fever.

Hae an feiver.
[haj @m 'pejv@r]

 > 4. delirious
 > He is delirious with it, hallucinating that I am a (conculturally
 > appropriate monster).

Faege en deliru; is haugine me ere u Frantsé.
[fajg en de'li:r  i haw'gi:n m e:r @ fran'tse]

Note: |Frantsé| obviously means "Frenchman".  It seemed like
a conculturally appropriate monster.  ;-)

 > 5. medicine
 > The illness requires expensive medicine.

Is morvu eje an meigina cara.
[i mArv e:j @m me'gi:n ga:r]

 > 6. witch / quack / healer / shaman
 > The witch says that her cure only requires a few yams.

Veneiga dige ud sua meigina eje solei nas ponderrae dueges.
[ve'nejg di:g ud zu ve'gi:n e:j 'so:le n@S pAn'derre zy@gs]

 > 7. useless
 > I thought, if her cure turns out to be useless, I can still order the
 > doctor's medicine.

Coedavo, si suun reweidsun ga ere vanun, eidun poesso juvire
     en meigina ys meigu.
[ka'da:vA  si sun dre'vejdz@ ga e:r va:n  ejd@ 'passA
     ju'vi:r em me'gi:n y mejg]

 > 8. poultice
 > The witch concocted a simple poultice of yams.

Veneiga congougiva un fowindun simbel jon ponderrae.
[ve'nejg kANgu'gi:v @m pA'vind@n 'dzimb@l jAm bAn'dErre]

 > 9. to assure
 > S/he assured me that it couldn't fail no matter what.

Mic compirwava ud nau iva me faller in aegi casu.
[miC kAmpir'va:v u no i:v m@ 'fall@r in 'ajgi ka:z]

 > 10. to work, succeed
 > I am certain it would have worked if she had told me to put it on my
 > cousin's chest rather than eating it!
 > (That is to say, I ate it since it was made of yams.)

Herdei aera succezer si ja aera diger me poner id in
     peoctur ys miu cusaene pro esser id!
['hErde ajr zuk'ke:z@r si ja ajr 'zi:g@r m@ 'po:n@r id im
     'bExt@r y mi ku'zajn prA 'ess@r i]

-- Christian Thalmann

PS: I'll be offlist for four days.  Choir camp.  =D