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Re: CHAT: Is there a conlang inspired in Old English?

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Monday, September 9, 2002, 4:15
Andreas Johansson scripsit:

> According to Nationalencyklopedin (a Swedish encyclopaedia), |=F6| has > derounded to [e]. Can't seem to find anything on the pronunciation of |au= > |.
I can't find anything IPA-ish on the Net, but I think the Icelandic vowels work like this: a, e, i, o, u = [a], [E], [I], [O], [2]. These are lengthened when followed by a single consonant. á, é, í, ó, ú = [au], [je], [i], [o] or [ou], [U] or [u]. Note that accents are not written before ng/nk. y and ý are like i and í. ö is some central vowel, but I can't tell which, possibly rounded. ei is [eI], æ is [aI], au is [OI], ey is [eI] according to some but something [O]-ish according to others. -- What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the John Cowan sound of a [Ww]all that people have stopped banging their head against? --Larry


BP Jonsson <bpj@...>