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Re: CHAT: Is there a conlang inspired in Old English?

From:Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Date:Friday, September 6, 2002, 15:00
--- Ángel Serrano wrote:

> I have a question: Does anybody know any conlang inspired in Old English?
Oh yes, there are quite a few of them. First of all, *Wessisc* (by Damon Lord) was already mentioned. It is the result of a merger between Anglo-Saxon invaders and the native Celtic population of Wessex. Example: "Græting. Ða Stæd cunneð gei Wyssness an ðy Hwelðingan gwel a dw an se Wight, wc gei Wyssness an se Yæiþ Wessisc, se Yæiþ londwis Wight!" Secondly, there is *Baanzish* (by Rupert A.H. Barnes), an uninflected and very regular Germanic language based largely on English with the words of non-Germanic origin replaced by Old English and Norse. Example: "In dha tuaadh God skaapd dha Heven and dha Eyth." Furthermore there is (or was) *Aeldarspragk* (by Dale Morris). I'm not sure in how far this is really a conlang. It seems to be a variant of Old Saxon but used as a micronational language. Link is dead. *Niw Englisc* is an attempt to resurrect Old English as if it were spoken today. Example: "Þe mæn is rídend." (The man is riding.) Then there is *Maðumisc*, the Archaic English Project. Apparently this is a group reinventing English on the basis of Old English: The last one I want to mention is *Ilianóre* (by Jeff Smith). This language seems to inspired by, but not based on, Old English. For example: "Belarest lo. Færa tinwar endlih félwarwe éase ðustre." (Welcome, strangers. Please, stay a while and feed your soul.). Anyway, both the language as its homepage are very beautiful and worth to check out: Jan ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts