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Re: Weekly Vocab #2.1.8 (repost #1)

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Friday, February 16, 2007, 7:01
I did this one way back when, so it should be in one or another archive....

> Bonus Vocab from WordNet: > This is randomly selected automatically, so in case it offends you > or you disagree, please either ignore or be inspired to make up > different words and/or phrases: > > - Kafiri, n. > a Dardic language spoken by the Kafir in northeastern Afghanistan
Kash could say [ka'firi] easily, once they'd heard of it........
> > - snowball, v. > throw snowballs at
Well: ball is piro, snow is nifa, so the correct compound would be _pindrifa_. But it's quite likely to get modified in play, so I'm thinking _pindip (PL pindipiç)_ or even pinip/pinipiç might be common forms. To throw s.t. to s.o: cingar (implied, they're meant to catch it); to throw s.t. at s.o. cinga-cingar (implied, thrower means to hit them). This is the form your teacher would probably use in a note to your mother. (Difference between a regular pitch and a beanball, for you baseball fans) But this too has been colloquialized, > cinga in various pejorative compounds (cinga-cangar 'throw stones at, pelt with stones' et al.; cakacinga-ripa 'get pelted with rain, get caught in a sudden downpour'--- so most likely cinga-pindip ~pinip 'throw snowballs at, pelt with snowballs' and probably cakacinga-pindip etc. 'have a snowball fight' Possible too to make a verb out of it, esp. a reciprocal: pini-mambinip 'throw snowballs at each other' ¡ay de mí! the places these exercises lead one to!!