> I thought some of you may find this a very interesting resource. It's
> a vocabulary (and short grammar) of the Mutsun language, one of the
> Ohlone languages spoken here at the time of the arrival of the
> Spanish. It was written by Fr. Felipe Arroyo in 1861. It's all in
> Spanish, but I think an online translator should be mostly sufficient
> :). Fr. Arroyo was apparently Catalan, so you see Catalan conventions
> (such as accents).
> This would most likely be an influencing language in Montréi in Ill
> Bethisad.
Is it still alive?
But ay de mí, a hopelessly Latinate grammar-- to the point, I suspect, of
completely disguising and probably misinterpreting the language!! If it's
the only grammar of the lang. ever written, I suppose we have to say it's
better than nothing. Gutenberg's format in this case is a little annoying,
you have to start at page 1 and go on page by page; no way to skip around
(that I could figure out), no table of contents, etc. I realize it's a
_copy_ of the original, of course.
I got about 10 pages into it before resigning...never did find any key to
the pronunciation. Or a wordlist.