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Re: Laadan was Re: Posession

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 21, 2003, 11:05
--- Sally Caves <scaves@...> wrote:
> > Her novels I couldn't stand. I couldn't finish even > the first one in her trilogy, her drawling style > annoyed me so much, along with her patent hostility > towards men. Atwood was so much better at writing a > dystopia about gender brutality. Not surprising; > she's a master at language, whereas S.H.E. is a > master of the science of language.
Well, I actually enjoied her first novel eventhough I found the politics in it amusing rather than alarming. The second novel was rather disappointing on several levels (poor writing, no story, not enough info on the languages of the aliens OR LAadan) and the third one . . . Well can you say LEFT FIELD! I can't think of anything by Ionesco that was more absurd! I mean I could accept an outbreak of Rhinoceritice long before I could accept the answer to all the worlds problems being the discovery that listening to music make you fat since if one listens to music one need not eat solid food so all violence can be eliminated by holding pebbles in ones mouth and listening to Bach. Adam who just can't suspend disbelief over THAT deep a pit


John Cowan <cowan@...>