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Re: The chant of the dog's gravestone

From:D Tse <exponent@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 14, 2001, 7:27
This thread comes from... January 2001. I doubt anyone will still be
interested but I found the English version that a friend of mine finally

It goes thusly:

"A doggy stole a sausage
Because he was underfed
The butcher saw him do it
And shot him in the head

And all the little doggies
Were very sad indeed
They made a little tombstone
And on it it did read:

A doggy stole a sausage..."

>I belive that the song, >which can be named "The chant of the dog's gravestone", >is at least of Proto-Indo-European origin, >if not even of Nostratic origin; >but I know only two versions, >both in Slavonic languages. >I would like to know >if there is any version of this song in another language. > >The Czech version: > >Pes jaternic`ku sez`ral (The dog ate a little sausage) >v kuchyni malic`kou; (in the kitchen;) >r`ezni'k mu na to pr`is`el, (the butcher came at it,) >pras`til ho palic`kou. (he struck him with the mallet.) >Plakali vs`ichni psove', (All dogs wept,) >vykopali mu hrob; (they dug the grave for him;) >na desce mramorove' (on the marble-slab,) >byl na'pis te`chto slov: (there was the inscription of these words:) >"Pes jaternic`ku sez`ral ... ("The dog ate a little sausage...) > >The Russian version: > >U popa byla sobaka, (The priest has a dog,) >on jejo ljubil. (he loved her.) >Ona sjela kusok mjasa, (She ate a piece of meat,) >on jejo ubil. (he killed her.) >Kak ubil, tak pochoval; (As he killed her, so he buried her;) >na mogilu napisal: (on the barrow he wrote:) >"U popa byla sobaka ... ("The prist has a dog ...) > >If more versions will be available, >the reconstruction of the ancient myth behind this song >will be more accurate. > > Pavel


John Cowan <cowan@...>
jesse stephen bangs <jaspax@...>