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Re: CHAT: Support/Oppression of Conlanging

From:Pavel Iosad <pavel_iosad@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 19, 2002, 19:44
Jumping in...

> Modern Russia is still totalitarian, despite > a pretension of democracy, but it's not fascist anymore.
Good to know :-) I wouldn't say it's really totalitarian in here, it's rather that the political cuture has changed little since the good ol' times of Ivan Grozny (that's the XVI century, just in case). Or possibly from earlier. Pavel -- Pavel Iosad 'I am a philologist, and thus a misunderstood man' --JRR Tolkien, _The Notion Club Papers_


Clint Jackson Baker <litrex1@...>
John Cowan <jcowan@...>Support/Oppression of Conlanging\