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Re: Varon

From:Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Date:Sunday, January 20, 2002, 1:46
From: "Tristan Alexander McLeay" <anstouh@...>
> On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, Padraic Brown wrote: > > > English colours _are_ nouns. (They're also adjectives, verbs > > and adverbs as well, but that's another matter!) > > How are they verbs? *He was bluing it. *She redded the chair. I guess they > count as adverbs is things like 'He painted it yellow'.
"She reddened the chair", possibly. In Trentish colors are just adjectives: ?oyslikwVn ?o -ysli-kwV-'2d POS-red -be -3pSN "this is red" ?oOlVnSVkwVn ?o -OlVnS'V-kwV-'2d POS-orange -be -3pSN "this is orange" (The only native Trentish basic color words are [k_hAmen] "black", [t_wil] "white", [ysli] "red", and ['VlusV] "yellow/green". The rest are recent borrowings from English: [plu], [klin], [ilo], [pleUn], [p_hiNk'V], [olVnS'V], [kle], [p_h2p_hVl] for blue, green, yellow, brown, pink, orange, gray, and purple respectively.) Now, if you had to use a color as a noun, I'm not sure what you'd do... let's see... detwimpa balaxñy d'e- t_wil-pA bAlAk_h-ñ'y NMLZR-white-TOP hate -1p "I hate white." Hmm, there we had to take twil- and nominalize it: detwil-, something like "whiteness". "He painted it yellow" ? Oi, ecks... po?oilolameNxan po -?o -ilo -lAmen-xAn PAST-POS-yellow-color-3pFD "He painted it yellow" oUlamempha ?oilokwVN ocw-lAmen-pA ?o -ilo -kwV-x'V MNR-color-TOP POS-yellow-be -3pID "It was painted yellow" ...I suppose none of these are really parallel to English structures. Ah well. *Muke! --


Padraic Brown <agricola@...>