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CHAT: Marriage and other things.

From:Mike Adams <abrigon@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 11, 2000, 7:29
I know even in Ireland marriage were secular for a long while, but since
the Clerics were often the only literate persons around (not always). As
well as those who kept the records, and a marriage needs witnesses, the
clerics could step in as such, and over time the idea of Marrigage
having to have a cleric in attendance became mandatory..

After all, the idea of inheritance (property) is to have someone log it
that it happened is good for anyone later claiming the title/lands/etc.

Yes, know of the Rites (Byzantine), basically groups that accepted to
Pope versus one of the other Patriarchs..

The Catholic Church was not as closed to the idea of married clergy, but
cause of the abuses of it c.1100 they made Catholic Priests had to be
celibate and not married, seems they often acted more as feudal lords
than as clergy, of course many could barely if at all read the bible, so
The Clunic reformation and others supported the idea of a celibite and
unmarried clergy, as well as a more educated one as well. Marriage in
their eyes takes away the priests from their true duty to God..  One of
the reasons I expect for the schism between west and east, but there was
much more.. The Trinity and many others..  But like changes in usage of
juice vs wine, and other changes coming about, things will likely
change. But is their a femanine form of Padre? How do you definentiate
between a female nun, and a female priest? Jobs are different, or maybe
they will change?

Sakhalins are not all ice/snow and all.
After all they run from Northern Japan to Kamchatka.. True it is likely
they on the northern end share weather patterns with the Aleutians.
Which is not that much fun unless you like it.. WW2, the Aleutian
campaign more died from the weather, than from the enemy. But... I
expect the weather was nicer earlier. But how would a culture get their?
Atleast from Europe? I think soem for of shetland ponies and cattle
would do well there (they do well in the Aleutians).
I believe their is deposits of iron and like but, not sure if they are
accesible to the surface? Also it would be interesting to see the Ainu
and like peoples and their meeting? And the result.
Ibrahim = Abraham
Allah=The Lord God
Mustapha = title profet or like.


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