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Re: CHAT: Vowel shift - angry-beaverisms

From:Josh Roth <fuscian@...>
Date:Saturday, June 19, 1999, 5:55
In a message dated 6/19/1999 1:19:01 AM, Barry_Garcia@MONTEREY.EDU writes:

> writes: >>That's nothing compared to the Minnesotan accent, with its beautiful, >>yet funny, intonation patterns. To me, that was the funniest part of >>Fargo. I mean, that accent is just so hard to take seriously, I mean, >>they could say "Ja, my wife was butchered and cut into a million >>pieces", and it just wouldn't sound like a bad thing. Okay, slight >>exaggeration, but it does sound just funny. :-) > > >Oh yes i forgot about that accent! My Chem teacher last last year talked >like that. I think she was from Minnesota, and she would always say yes >with a "ya".
Eek!! That accent drives me crazy. I apologize to any Minnesotans out there,=20 but something about it irritates my ears terribly, though at the same time,=20 it cracks me up. I think Lorraine on MadTV also has a Minnesotan accent=97it= s=20 part of what makes her so funny (and Fargo too!). Josh Roth