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Re: CHAT: Vowel shift - angry-beaverisms

From:BP Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 22, 1999, 16:57
At 00:04 -0500 19.6.1999, Nik Taylor wrote:
>Barry Garcia wrote: >> However, i think the funniest east coast accents are >> those from massachusets. Like that carpenter guy Norm Abrams on PBS. Its >> always funny hearing him say his er's like a's and his a's like er's. > >That's nothing compared to the Minnesotan accent, with its beautiful, >yet funny, intonation patterns. To me, that was the funniest part of >Fargo. I mean, that accent is just so hard to take seriously, I mean, >they could say "Ja, my wife was butchered and cut into a million >pieces", and it just wouldn't sound like a bad thing. Okay, slight >exaggeration, but it does sound just funny. :-)
I met one American who thought that intonation was due to Swedish/Norwegian substrate influence. His imitation surely sounded as if that could be true, but then his wife was Swedish... Altho most Swedish and Norwegian dialects have a system of distinct word tones, which gives the sentence intonation a quality that is peculiar to speakers of other Germanic languages, they are not uniform among themselves. I guess Matt is the only one who can judge this theory! :) /BP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B.Philip Jonsson <bpj@...> <melroch@...> Solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant! (Tacitus)