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Re: CHAT: Vowel shift - angry-beaverisms

From:BP Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 22, 1999, 17:04
At 22:16 -0700 18.6.1999, Barry Garcia wrote:

>Oh yes i forgot about that accent! My Chem teacher last last year talked >like that. I think she was from Minnesota, and she would always say yes >with a "ya".
Which is of course a blatant Scandinavianism (in this case. It will crop up in German, Dutch and Afrikaans natives' English too. In my Swedish dialect "yes" is mostly [?a/] with a rising intonation -- or [ja?] when meaning "yes I/you/they did it!" as when watching sports or so --, rather than the prescribed [ja:]. When speaking English I tend to use "yeah"; maybe because "no" is [nE:] in my Swedish dialect! :-) /BP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B.Philip Jonsson <bpj@...> <melroch@...> Solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant! (Tacitus)