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Re: PIE conlangs [was: Re: Weekly vocab #2]

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Thursday, April 11, 2002, 19:36
On 11 Apr 02, at 8:53, Jan van Steenbergen wrote:

> Verdurian and its sister languages look quite > Indo-European as well.
Are you talking about vocabulary or grammar here? Vocabulary for Verdurian was stolen, especially in the beginning, wholesale mostly from French and Russian, which would account for the feeling. But also the inflecting grammar feels very IE to me. I don't think it belongs in the category of "languages which depend on reconstructions of PIE", however. (Note that proto-Eastern was "reconstructed" from Verdurian and its immediate ancestor Cadhinor as well as other languages; Mark didn't take PIE and "derive" Verdurian from it.) Cheers, Philip -- Philip Newton <Philip.Newton@...>


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>