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From:Peter Clark <peter-clark@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 20, 2003, 14:29
        Sorry for the caps, but in this blizzard of off-topic posts, I want to make
sure that my pitiful effort at a topical message is noticed by someone[1].
        So there I was in the library yesterday, skimming through a "501 Japanese
Verbs" book, when I had a flash of inspiration: why not a verb form that
indicates co-action? That is, that the subject's action was helped, aided, or
jointly participated in by another agent, hitherto unnamed? For example:

1a. Last night, I made dinner. (I, and only I, made dinner, all by myself.)
1b. Last night, I mades dinner. (I cooked dinner, but my wife made a salad).

2a. John and Jane went to the movies last night. (They went together by
2b. John and Jane wents to the movies last night. (They went with a larger
group of friends, perhaps.)

        So: does a natlang already do it, except worse? And what is it (or should it
be) called?

[1] Really, people, it's time to start taking these threads off-list. 200+
posts in the past two days, and only a tiny fraction are on-topic.
Oh what a tangled web they weave who try a new word to conceive!


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
JS Bangs <jaspax@...>