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Re: A new translation exercise (was: lexicons)

From:John Fisher <john@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 31, 1999, 22:48
In message <Pine.LNX.3.96.990331084849.25872A-100000@...>,
Irina Rempt <ira@...> writes

>Here's a translation exercise of my own: the first paragraph of the >story about Grandpa and the Dragon (to be found in whole on my web >page in Valdyan and English), that I originally wrote in Valdyan (no >translation from the Dutch).
I'm really impressed. No way could I do that in my lamguage (Elet Anta)!
> When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled > out into the world. First he went west; there was only sand > there. Then he went north; there was only snow there. Then he > went east; there the mountains were too high and > great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided > to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In > the south he saw the largest city in all the world.
Cwand inye caro-lorye pani lisnien, en ow urfaw evarn loalpew. Lacorgaw pavane; lof oan lui shyarchesh. Yafgaw hishese; lof oan lui surf. Yafgaw urlayse; lof corasht crof padan, tali caro- lorye pani uroptew mendel grant. Lacafgaw colect ya, mivarew evarn pelecwa, brathwa, finiastwa, coriocwa. Mivar celtis sofe arnye combada anot loarciy. Cwand inye caro-lorye pani lisnien, when speaker-ATR three-grand-ATR father be.young-person en ow urfaw evarn loalpew. person ANTECEDENT+ADV far-ADV travel world-be.through+TO-ADV Lacorgaw pavane; lof oan lui shyarchesh. all-be.before-ADV north-TO there only sand Yafgaw hishese; lof oan lui surf. Yafgaw EMB-be.after-ADV north-TO there only snow EMB-be.after-ADV urlayse; lof corasht crof padan, tali caro-lorye pani east-TO there mountain too be.tall and three-grand-ATR father uroptew mendel grant. Lacafgaw colect ya, can't climb all-be.after-ADV decide EMB+ACC mivarew evarn pelecwa, brathwa, finiastwa, coriocwa. south-TO-ADV travel foot-ADV horse-ADV carriage-ADV boat-ADV Mivar celtis sofe arnye combada anot loarciy. south see most big-ATR city-ACC whole world-select.from-ATR -- John Fisher Elet Anta website: Drummond ro cleshfan merec; fanye litoc, inye litoc