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Re: Font embedding

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 4, 1999, 18:27
On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, James Campbell wrote:

> > Now that I'm back for a while, it's good to see so many new names here on > the list along with those I know already. I was wondering whether anyone > else has used M*cr*s*ft's Font Embedding Tool on their web pages, to enable > the display of conscripts (or conlang-required diacriticals, like g-caron). > At first glance it seems to be a possibly useful technology, but it may only > work with ie4/5 and not Netscape, if I recall correctly. Just wondered if > anyone's tried it. >
According to Niederst (1999:453-457) Bitstreams Truedoc works only with Netscape and you can only do it with a commercial program. Microsofts OpenType works only with Internet Explorer and can be handled with a 'free' Microsoft program, WEFT. I've succeeded in getting Netscape to display Unicode using the Cyberbit font, though - I think that that would be a better route. Free unicode fonts are starting to become available, too, and if I've read the readme's with the source of Pine correctly, from next year on all mail readers have to be unicode compliant or they should be considered broken. There's light at the horizon! ( Niederst, Jennifer. 1999. Web Design in an Nutshell. O'Reilly and Associates, Sebastopol ) Boudewijn Rempt |