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Re: Russian names (was: Re: A perfect day...)

From:Vasiliy Chernov <bc_@...>
Date:Monday, January 31, 2000, 17:02
Fri, 28 Jan 2000 08:57:17 +1300 andrew <hobbit@...> wrote:

> Don't we get to call you Vasiliy Yevgenyevich if we want to be on first > name terms, a slightly different naming system to English where > patronymics are not commonly used.
In *academic circles* ;) , I'd expect to be called simply Vasiliy (+ addressing in 2pl) - this is neither too formal nor unceremonious. First name + patronymic stresses the social distance, or difference in age.
> I once worked out that my 'Russian' > name would be Andrei Ivanovich Kuznetzov (spelling subject to > correction).
Yes, sounds exactly like a name of native Russian. Ya rad znakomstvu, Andrei Ivanovich! Basilius