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Re: THEORY: language and the brain [Interesting article]

From:Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 2, 2003, 6:12
On 1 July, Andreas Johansson wrote:

> Maybe we should do a list of all conlangers who've not have trouble with
> and [D]?
Count me in as one who did not need help with any sounds in his L1 (American English, which of course includes [T] and [D] ). Trilled r's, OTOH, both front and back, I don't remember mastering until high school.
> But English's phonemic inventory isn't to terrible, is it? Sure, it's got
> and [D], and a messy vowel system, but it could be so much worse. It
> had a couple dozen clicks, or full series of velarized and palatalized > consonants, four-way voicing and aspiration contrasts, or umpteen
> contour tones with massive tone sandhi. Or all of that combined with
> consonant clusters and full complements of nasalized and creaky-voiced
> And phonemic voiceless nasals.
Are you presenting us with a plan for a new conlang project, Andreas ? ;-) Dan Sulani ----------------------------------------------------------- likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a A word is an awesome thing.