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Re: CHAT: Brithenig-heads

From:yl-ruil <yl-ruil@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 12, 2000, 15:06
> Ill Rhuil makes good Brithenig, as Philip pointed out. > I have no idea what it would mean.
yl ruil is Corfeg for "the king", which actually comes from Aredos regulos- prince, client king, which in turn is the diminutive of regos- king. Maybe Rheis would be a good Brithenig counterpoint. Since I can't stand "Daniel" and Deinin (suffixing -in to the root syllable) sounds uncomfortably close to "Danny", which sends echoes of "oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling..." through my head, I might adopt Rheis as my pseudonym.
> Dein(i)el ffeil Mewrig' > > - andrew.
Rheis (né Deinel) ffeil Mewrig'.