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Re: CHAT: Brithenig-heads

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 12, 2000, 16:55
On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Carlos Thompson wrote:

>So now I wonder how Carlos Eugenio Thompson Pinzón could have developed in a >Brithenig universe. That Thompson Pinzón is Spanish costume (fathers family >name followed by mothers family name, the first of them is the one passing >to my own children).
In the south of Kemr, y hYspanow maintain this same custom. The spelling of your name would be unchanged, except Eugenio would most likely be Ewgenis. The pronunciation would be different, of course: ['karlos EwdZ'Eni 'tonson pinz'o]. Someone unfamilliar with English names might say [ton'so]. Though -mp- is an allowable cluster, -mps- is not; hence the simplification to -ns-.
>Thompson is also from English (Norse?) origin as >development from Thomas' son, and Carlos is a germanic name which surfaces >as Charles in English, and means either king or common man (that discution >were hold before in this list). I know that in Cambria there is some >Spanish influence so my origin in Ill Bethisad would be something in the >lines of: a Chomro slave owner in some remote South American island gave his >name: (son of Thomas) to one of the slaves, whose descendant came to a >Spanish influenced part of Cambria marring a girl of Spanish origin. Two >generations later I exist with two good Christian names: Carlos (or the way >it has surfaces in Cambria) + Eugenio (ditto), that son of Thomas part + >that Spanish Pinzón part. >
>-- Carlos Eugenio Thompson Pinzón >who in Zera would be a mixed Criollo and Hangkerimian living in Kurimpe whos >grandfather was a late migration of African descendant Antillian who had an >English last name. >