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Re: First report on Conm

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Friday, March 28, 2003, 7:40
Quoting Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>:

> Andreas Johansson wrote: > > This right-handed European would consider using the fork with your > right hand > > to be a left-handed thing to do, _even_ if you ate with only a fork. > > Why left-handed? Why would you use your weaker hand to eat?
I think Mr Cowan gave the answer: the Dead Hand of Tradition (tm). I was simply brought up that way. Historically, I'm told it is because that in the good ol' days people ate alot more recalcitrant dried food that had to be cut with considerable strength, wherefore the right-hand, that is the stronger for most people, was used for the knife, which meant you had to use the fork in the left, which habit was then etiquettized. I susoect it may also have something to do with the fact that people have been using knives to eat much longer than forks. When left-handedness subsequently became more societally accepted, it was apparently felt to be logical that left-handers should eat mirroredly compared to right-handers. Andreas