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Re: Telek Webpage

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Sunday, October 8, 2000, 20:53
Hi, Mark.  Your page says that you're at UCLA.
I'm curious... did you and Matt Pearson find
each other before you joined CONLANG?  Matt's
been here awhile, but you look new to me.  Have
you been inventing languages before you heard
about the list?  It strikes me as remarkable to
see two linguistics grad students at one university,
both of them involved in conlanging.  What's the
connection?  Or is it really just a coincidence?
Or, as I have surmised in print,*** is this a far
more common pastime than we used to assume?  <G>



"The gods have retractible claws."
                                from _The Gospel of Bastet_