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Re: Telek Webpage

From:SMITH,MARCUS ANTHONY <smithma@...>
Date:Sunday, October 8, 2000, 18:08
On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, Sally Caves wrote:

> Hi, Mark. Your page says that you're at UCLA. > I'm curious... did you and Matt Pearson find > each other before you joined CONLANG?
No, I had never met Matt Pearson in person when I joined Conlang. He was just a name on the list of students, as far as I was concerned. I made a couple comments on-line about my work, and he surmised that I must be at UCLA, so he contacted me. Matt's
> been here awhile, but you look new to me.
Been on Conlang since March. Have
> you been inventing languages before you heard > about the list?
For years before I heard about the list. In fact, before I had even heard about the internet. First conlang I remember doing was back about '87. It strikes me as remarkable to
> see two linguistics grad students at one university, > both of them involved in conlanging. What's the > connection? Or is it really just a coincidence?
Pretty much a coincidence. Although truth be told, a fair number of professors in our department have conlanged at one time or another. The late Vicky Fromkin did Land of the Lost and something else; Tim Stowell had a candidate language for Alien Mime but wasn't chosen in the end. Tim told me other profs did too, but he didn't give me any specifics.
> Or, as I have surmised in print,*** is this a far > more common pastime than we used to assume? <G>
Perhaps it is. I couldn't say. I've only met a couple conlangers in person: Matt, my younger brother (also Matt), Vicky, and Tim. Oh, and a pair of twins that my mother used to teach -- I'm not sure if you can count that as a conlang, because it is something that they just spontaneously did while learning to talk. (They're only six or seven right now.) Marcus