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Re: Engish 2sg/pl

From:Muke Tever <muke@...>
Date:Monday, May 5, 2003, 23:31
From: "Mark J. Reed" <markjreed@...>
> Certain isolated religious communities, such as the Amish and > Mennenites, do still use a form of it. Oddly, though, they seem > to use "thee" as both subject and object, with the "you" form of > the verb ("Thee are late. Where have thee been?"), which sounds > very wrong to me.
"thee" as subject and object isn't any stranger than "you" as subject and object (they're both from the accusative, after all). And let's submit that the <-st> "thou" endings died with the <-th> 3rd person endings, and suddenly thee're talking strange sense... *Muke! --