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Privatize this thread please.

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Thursday, November 18, 1999, 17:05
I completely agree!  Would Abrigon and others please take this
thread off-line?  Sometimes we get a surfeit of posts each day,
and then the list freezes up.  I think it's a WASTE of conlang
bandwidth to be talking about Switzerland's neutrality, Hitler,
and flaming each other about auxlangs and world peace.  A
wonderful thing is happening now:  we're putting a relay game
on line, and already one of my own posts on it didn't show up.
Is this a bandwidth problem?  If it is, I'm annoyed that
bandwidth is being wasted by issues that have been thrashed
and thrashed and THRASHED already over the years.  Go to
Auxlang if you want to argue this damned issue.  Or take it
into a private arena.


Lars Henrik Mathiesen wrote:
> > The question 'does a common language help keep the peace' is not about > constructing languages. Would all concerned please take it to AUXLANG, > where it belongs due to its inflammability. > > Lars Mathiesen (U of Copenhagen CS Dep) <thorinn@...> (Humour NOT marked)
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