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Re: CHAT: Hello

From:Jim Hopkins <espero9@...>
Date:Friday, April 27, 2001, 13:04
Bashóva sabutyáru Tom (Hello Tom),

Zhóy véy tá kúlit Drúnit ebón bashése dralkadimóva vemyári mógit Ritarenése 
Sitsholárun. (I and the entire Druni people welcome you to our Constructed 
Language List).

Mogése sonbonyáte shéri tá bidíey báshit uchása! (Keep us informed of the 
progress of your project.)!

Íshi dralyára fazhénit ritarentanovó lafíya.  (It is always good to have new 
list members.)

Múku shtá, Dralkadím! (Once again, Welcome!)

Jim H
tá Druntán