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Re: Palatal vs. Palatalized (was Re: Orthography of palatalized consonants)

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Saturday, January 15, 2005, 23:10
kcasada wrote:

> Hmm! I wondered about exactly this, because I wanted to incorporate > palatalization of initial consonants in my (nameless little proto-) > conlang as > an indicator of verbal mood, but wondered what would happen to the > consonants > that were already palatal . . .
Neat idea. Vocalize!! bana 'xxxx'---> bjana bjana 'yyyy' ---> bi(j)ana or bjaina or ibjana There still could be homonymic clash between derived /b-j-ana/ and base /bjana/, though this is usually rare in natlangs I think; the homonymic forms don't tend to occur in the same environments. Or maybe make a rule: no palatalized C in initial position of base morphemes???