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Another Silindion Poem!

From:Elliott Lash <al260@...>
Date:Saturday, January 5, 2002, 1:42
I wrote yet another poem in Silindion. I'd like to share it on the list since
there's not really any other *important* (read on-topic) discussions going least to my knowledge. I appologise in advance for the longness of this,
but I can't figure out how to represent Silindion well using an interlinear

Id i phendeña mornë Uristïenëa
    Behold the shaded hills of the east
ïevissa mirto i nossë mirnanólmëa.
    where the snows of winter fall.
Filisi no i yénëanna istankómëa,
    I come to the new-years feast,
teldenvi ya ropavi elkaniri.
    in silence under star-host watch.
Kirméin nai në nëa nesi
    Praises great and many do I give
lárëanu o i himeivi imenna, merskë;
    to the moon in the clouds rising, hidden;
në naimaro nistánunyë në mirínnunyë,
    and foremost to her king, her love,
Erólïon, eldisso eis vauleiri të yo lissuntë.
    Erolion, brightest of the angels who live.
Mïe këasi pero i narnán mëundëa,
    Now I leave across the glittering seas,
núksëu veresi no Ilkarïenna.
    with tears I turn unto the West.
Menna pelkén lïu i morassurni mentanna
    For the night shade hath bidden me thither
në ento voyello rallë-sis i sildúkïe phendeña.
    and the forest hillsides cannot hold me


id <behold>
i <the>
pennë <hill> ~ pendeña <hills> (archaic)~ penni <hills>
móryello <to shade> ~ mor-në <shaded> (p.p.)
Uristïenëa <eastern>
ïevissa <where> (in relative sense)
míhyello <to fall> ~ mirto <they fall> (*mis-nto)
nossa <snow> ~ nossë <snows>
mirnanólmëa <winter> (adjective)
filïello <to come> ~ fil-i-si <come-present-I>
no <to, unto>
yenë <feast> ~ yénë-anna <feast-to> (allative)
istankómëa <new-years> (adjective)
teldena <silence> ~ telden-vi <silence-in> (loc. d-stem)
ya <under, beneath>
ropa <watch> ~ ropa-vi <watch-in> (loc. a-stem)
elkanu <star, angel> ~ elkani-ri <starhost-of> (
kirma <prayer> ~ kirméi-n <prayers-acc>
nai <great>
në <and>
nëa <many>
nellë <to give> ~ ne-si <give-I>
larë <moon> ~ lárë-anu <moon-to> (dative)
o <in>
hima <cloud> ~ himei-vi <clouds-in> (
ménëallo <to rise> ~ i-men-na <rising>
  (conj. participle)
merskello <to hide> ~ mersk-ë <hidden> (p.p.)
naimaro <foremost>
nista <king> ~ nistá-nu-nyë <king-to-her>
mirni <friend> ~ mirín-nu-nyë <lover-to-her>
Erólïon <Erolion, Venus>
eldi <bright> ~ eldi-sso <brightest>
eis <out of, from, of>
vauro <angel> ~ vaulei-ri <angels-of> (
të <he who>
yo <who>
lissïello <to live> ~ lissu-ntë <live-they>
   (Archaic 3rdpl.) ~ lissu-nto <live-they>
mïe <now>
këallë <to leave> ~ këa-si <leave-I>
pero <across>
narna <sea> ~ narná-n <sea> (acc)
memyello <to glitter> ~ mëu-ndëa <glittering>
   (Poetic present participle) ~ mev-ani <glittering>
nuksë <tear> ~ núksë-u <tears-with>
   (High Silindion plural instrumental) ~ núksïu
verïello <to turn> ~ ver-e-si <turn-present I)
Ilkarïen <West> ~ Ilkarïen-na <west-to> (allative)
menna <because>
pilkello <to ask, bid> ~ pelk-é-n <bid-present-3rds.>
lïu <perfect particle>
morassurni <night shade>
menta <there> ~ menta-nna <thither> (allative)
ellë <to not do> ~ e-nto <don't-they>
voyello <to be able to>
rallë <to hold>
sis <me> (enclitic)
sildúkïe <forest> (adj)

Thanks for bearing with me! :)



laokou <laokou@...>
John Cowan <jcowan@...>