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Re: My coming out as a conlanger

From:Aingel Serrã <aingelja@...>
Date:Thursday, October 3, 2002, 10:23
 --- Ángel Serrano wrote: >> In Aingeljã (English version below):>> Si, si,
ou paralelisme eh total!!! J'heh eixat doul'armaggo douz voltas ne ma> vita:
premjera cõ gei, seconda cõ "conlanger". E jo deu djure qwe interqwe na>
premjera volta a rjazõ da genta esé "Oh, eh verità? Qwe surpreza!", na>
seconda volta jo sentabe-mi reixalament loc e cõsegé aceuas strannas miratas>
qwe tu djues. Alt embraix ne asdouz voltas jo senté-mi lluwerat, completament>
feleix de discoprâre qwe jo nõ swi sol. Jo compare a marwallosa sensacjõ de>
mal'eixita doul'armaggo cõ gei com ou moment qwe jo discopré da llista de>
post de conlang...--- Jan wrote:>Hey Ángel, you don't accidentally happen to
be bearded and left-handed, >too?>You could become a serious concurrent for
Christophe of being an >example of the>"typical conlanger". Of course, no one
can be required to be or become>Lithuanian.>Very nice indeed, this language of

Versjõ ne Aingeljã (English below):

Ha, ha, ha, Jan. Jo deu djure qwe jo nõ swi ni~ litwã (ni~ sap parlâre-ou), ni~
j'heh barba, ni~ scrju com a goixa mã... De fet, jo swi spannes, j'heh
barbella, e jo scrju com a dreta mã. Ansi~ qwe se nõ pot fiâre-si dous

Ah! E completament a ta merçè purqwe tu djues qwe tu laices mou cõlangaix!!
Hast tu visitat ma pagga rezentament? S'hast havat molts caneixes e nous
teixtes per leggâre! Jo ricomend-ti qwe tu vades lla e vides as nowitàtas
qwand tu volles.


English version:

Ha, ha, ha, Jan. I must say that I'm not Lithuanian (nor I can speak it), nor I'm
bearded, nor left-handed. In fact, I'm Spanish, goat-bearded and right-handed.
So you can't trust stereotypes...

Ah, and thank you very much as you say that you like my conlang!! Have you visited
my web page recently? There have been many changes and new texts to read. I
recommend you to pop in and see what's new any time!


Aingel Serrã.
A Pagga doul'Aingeljã - La página del Angeliano - Angelian's Homepage

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