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NATLANG: What's the sound of Cast ilian <s>?

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Sunday, December 7, 2003, 18:28
Quoting Roger Mills <romilly@...>:

> Andreas Johansson wrote: > (Quoting somebody) > > > > [T] for _all_ /s/? I've never heard that -- often [T] for /s/ /_i,e -- > but > > > then again I've never listened carefully around Spanish speakers so I > may > > > just be imposing on them what my textbooks tell me they "should" be > saying. > > > Spain Spanish, btw. I know the situation is different in Chicano and > other > > > American Spanishes. > > > > Apparently, there's some Andalusian dialects that have merged /s/ and /T/ > as > > [T] everywhere - a Spanish guy with whom I spoke of dialects a few days > ago > > had nothing good to say about them! > > > Oh those Andalusians!! Actually, that sound more like hypercorrection to me, > on the order of oft-cited [bil'baDo] for "Bilbao"-- but ¿quién sabe?
I just found piece on this in a Swedish web encyclopaedia, which agrees with the Spaniard: I europeisk spanska, med undantag för kanariska och andalusiska dialekter, skiljer man mellan ett vanligt s-ljud, som skrivs med bokstaven s, och ett läspljud [(], skrivet med bokstaven c (framför e och i) eller med z: sumo [su´mo] 'jag adderar', men zumo [(u´mo] 'juice'; sien [sjen] 'tinning', men cien [(jen] 'hundra'. På Kanarieöarna, i delar av Andalusien och framför allt i hela Spanskamerika saknas denna skillnad, och ord av ovannämnda slag uttalas genomgående med s-ljud (dock genomgående med läspljud i enstaka andalusiska dialekter). (Don't ask about the "("s for theta; it's thetas in the print version in any case. The marking of stress is somewhat unorthodox, too, but common in Swedish literature for some reason.) My translation: In European Spanish, except for Canarian and Andalusian dialects, a distinction is made between a normal s sound, which is written witt the letter s, and a lisp sound [T], written with the letter c (before e and i) or with z: sumo ['sumo] 'I add', but zumo ['Tumo] 'juice'; sien [sjen] 'temple', but cien [Tjen] 'hundred'. On the Canaries, in parts of Andalusia and, first and foremost, in all of Spanish America this distinction is lacking, and words of the abovementioned kind are all pronounced with an s sound (however, all with a lisp sound in a few Andalusian dialects). Andreas


Roger Mills <romilly@...>