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Re: Orthography help needed

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Monday, April 5, 2004, 21:35
On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 04:19:01PM -0400, Trebor Jung wrote:
> What are those characters? They aren't readable by me.
Which is one of the reasons I'm reluctant to include them in the orthography. I'd like to stick to Latin-1 if possible. The characters are edh, eng, thorn, and theta, respectively. At least edh and thorn are in Latin-1, so these should be legible: <�>, <�>. I might end up admitting them, but I'm reluctant to introduce unfamiliar letters.
> In any case, you could use edh for /D/, n~ for /N/ (Tolkien did this in > older versions of Quenya), and thorn for /T/. Or: dh, ng, th.
Yeah, like I said, I'm reluctant to introduce new letters, and I'd rather avoid digraphs, too. Which pretty much leaves diacritics; I was already considering using <�> for /N/.
> What are you using <q> and <x> for?
Nothing. Wouldn't mind using 'em, but they don't map to the sounds in any intuitive way.
> <q> could represent /N/;
Ah, no. Too much of a leap for me. If I were going to use <q> for one of the sounds, I'd prefer [T] over [N]; <q> at least sort of looks like a backwards decapitated thorn. :)
> if you used <x> for /S/ (as > in Maltese, Basque, and some Mesoamerican languages), you could use <c> for > /T/ (as in Castilian). And maybe you could use <dd> for /D/, as in Welsh.
Castilian or not, <c> for [T] doesn't feel natural enough. And if I were going to use a digraph for [D], I'd use <dh> rather than <dd>.
> "that really indicates quality rather than quantity: /e/ = [E], /e:/ = [e], > /i/ = [I], /i:/ = [i], /o/ = [O], /o:/ = [o], /u/ = [U], /u:/ = [u]. > > Interesting system.
Not really. Pretty much identical to Classical Latin.
> <a> could represent [V]
Which is again in line with one interpretation of Classical Latin pronunciation (the other being that short and long <a> differ only in length and not in quality).
> and ae-ligature could represent [&].
Consistent with IPA. I like it, but a distinction between <ae> and <�> might be a little too subtle, especially in email where some Exchange servers substitute one for the other in passing (don't get me started . . . ). But I'm not sure the morphology allows <ae>; I'll have to check.
> Albanian writes it as e-trema. Unless you want as few diacritics as > possible.
I don't mind diacritics per se, though using trema for schwa would mean it was unavailable as a Latin-1 substitute for the long-vowel macron. I guess the circumflex would do for that, though. However, <�> doesn't look very schwalike to me, because (despite its usual symbol), the schwa sound doesn't feel e-like to me; it's too far back. I would consider <�> possible, because to me it's suggestive of [I\] or [i\], which are allophones of the schwa in some environments in some 'lects of English. I would also consider oe-ligature a plausible schwa, but it's not in Latin-1; and its often-equivalent <�> doesn't work for me because the schwa is no more o-like than it is e-like; it's in between. So if I adopt the suggestions as indicated above, I'm left with this: [V] <a> [&] <�> [D] <�> [N] <�> [S] <c> [T] <�> [Z] <j> [@] <�> [j] <y> Let's try a sample text. Other than the above, letters have their CXS values. Vowels in dipthongs are generally long but unmarked for length. There is stress-emphasis; except where marked explicitly with an acute accent, it falls on the penultimate schwaless syllable. Proposed: Ail s�j�l u� hoz��, CXS: ail 'sa.Z@l UN 'hO.z@N Proposed: nou wel �oun d� ��?lg. CXS: nou wEl Noun du 'aN.@lg Proposed: Nou wel p�mg�n p�m ���. CXS: nou wEl 'pum,g@n p&m TiN Proposed: Nou wel yur d� b�� hul �� ulc, gvi�k a� uk u� u� hoz��. CXS: nou wEl jUr du b&N hUl aN UlS, gvITk VD Uk UD UN 'hO,z@N Proposed: Buz �� ail s�g sel k�gou, CXS: bUz &T ail sig sEl k@'gou Proposed: a�g selb�z �� ail �u��, CXS: VNg sEl'bUz &T ail TUND, Proposed: gvi�k a� j� haz selbuz�� jei� h� haz �u�g �bo��k ��. CXS: gvITk VD ju hVz ,sEl'bUz.@N ZeiD hi hVz TUNg @'bONTk &T Proposed: A�g gei�k rok �� w�rg k� kontkouf��, CXS: VNg geiNk rOk &T wurg ki ,kOnt'kou.f@N Proposed: g�k g�ruz�l �� sl�n j� �zur y��, CXS: g&k g@rUz@l &T sl&n Zu uzUr j&N Proposed: sel wel� u� j� p�mg�n u�g j� tai�l u�g j� brel� selo��l. CXS: sEl wElD UD Z@ pumg@n VNg Z@ 'tai.@l VNg Z@ brElu sElOD@l. Proposed


Joe <joe@...>