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Re: CHAT: Visible planets (was: Corpses

From:Isidora Zamora <isidora@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 12, 2003, 18:04
>Now *I'm* currious. What Protestants don't believe >*that*? My branch of Protestantism would consider >rejecting the Resurection of the body at least >somewhat heretical.
I can't remember what sort of church my father grew up in (we'd call it "fundamentalist" today), but he was taught that the resurrection would not be physical, but spiritual. I'm not sure about my mother. They've both been Presbyterian (PCUSA) since before I was born (I'm 31), and I don't know what they each believe personally now, nor what the official position of the PCUSA in on the ressurection of the body, but my suspicion is that the PCUSA believes in it. Isidora


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
John Cowan <jcowan@...>Religions (was: Visible planets)