En réponse à Jan van Steenbergen :
> >
> >I hear quite often [v\], especially in Southern dialects.
>Hehe. See? ;))
Not my fault if I have good ears :)) .
> >You've never heard Brabants then! :))) And I've heard some Flemish
> >dialects going much further than that (one Belgian guy I saw a few days
> >ago had [e] for /I/ and [i] for /e/. Not easy to follow :)) ).
>Wow! That must be weird!
The funny part is that it made the word "lid" [lIt] regular. Instead of
having an irregular plural "leden" [led@], it was regularly [let]/[led@n] :)) .
> >
> >Well, I have to disagree. I'm in love with the voiced velar fricative of
> >Brabants and Flemish :))) .
>Yes, but that one is for /g/ and not for /r/, right?
Depends ;))) . It's mostly for /g/ indeed, but I've heard people
pronouncing coda /r/s as [G] :)) . Just as I've heard coda /r/s pronounced
[r\] :) .
Christophe Grandsire.
You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.