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Re: CONLANG Digest - 14 Oct 2000 (maglangs plea!)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, October 16, 2000, 11:38
>In France the use of both j/i and v/u distinctions is still alive an well >in >Latin courses. And the distinction is simple: j is used for consonantal >i: /j/, >i otherwise, and v is used for consonnantal u: /w/, u otherwise. >Diphtongues are >the only exceptions (but one of the first thing you learn is to recognize >them).
Well........ In my Romance Lang, I use I for both /i/ and /j/. In front of another vowel, it's /j/: - io - /jo/ (yes, Italian inspired that orthographical bit). But, if in between vowels, to differentiate it orthographically the preceding vowel is marked with an accent: - cúio - /kujo/. (of course here, the accent is on the u) Otherwise in that example, it would have been /kwijo/. Now, i suppose problems may arrise if the accent isnt on the vowel marked with an accent, but I cant think of any examples.