>From: Fabian <rhialto@...>
>>Last night I discovered the Graavgaaln names for several elements.
>>they are for your enjoyment and comments.
>>vezh - gold Au
>>pruuv - silver Ag
>>ghub - iron Fe
>>jherv - lead Pb
>>tezh - sodium Na
>>drraagpruuv - platinum Pt
>>pruuvmelti^ntu^ - mercury Hg
>>dhe^rrvezh - copper Cu
>>b'olg'aatnorgh - sulfur S
>>fa*shy"drraag - aluminum Al
>I seem to recall reading somewhere that the ancients only knew of 7
>elemental metals, the rest being undetectable by any technology short
of the
>early 19th century. Unles these trolls arent telling us something, how
>they get to knbow of aluminium or platinium?
You'd better not call a Graavgaaln warrior a troll! He or she would not
take it very kindly. They are a technological, spacefaring
civilization. They know several elements we don't even know yet. (They
identify 125 in there periodic table, I think.) These just happen to be
the only elements and alloys I have learned the names for yet. I hope
to learn the names for tin, carbon, silicon & oxygen and steel & brass
>>not an element, but discovered in the process of learning the others:
>>siiktaavezh - brass
>A word for brass, but not tin, an essential component of brass?
>bronze? Its a very common alloy for armour, as well as coinage. It was
>surpassed by iron for armour due to the plentitude of iron.
>steel? Also known to the ancients, although whetehr they had a
>word for it, or called it some form of purified iron is unclear.
I'm just beginning to learn the names for things. Expect furthur
Adam Walker
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