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Re: THEORY: Deriving adjectives from nouns

From:Joshua Shinavier <ajshinav@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 8, 1999, 8:00
> Consider that "pretty" can mean "attractive" or "quite", thus it could > be "attractive little girls' school" or "quite little girls' school". I > can see the following meanings (ignoring the phonological ambiguity > between "girl's" and "girls'"
I think we were deliberately excluding both of those -- pretty =3D beautifu= l, not very in this case. I also assumed one specific role for the genetive o= f "girls'" as well -- belonging to girls, for girls, run by girls, whatever; you could think of any number of possible interpretations for this "of" lin= k; I've handled them all as one relation -- otherwise, yes, there are far more than ten interpretations, but I don't care to count them all! Josh _/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ Joshua Shinavier =20 _/ _/ _/ Loorenstrasse 74, Zimmer B321=20 _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ CH-8053 Z=FCrich =20 _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Switzerland =20 _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ Danov=EBn pages: