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Re: THEORY: Deriving adjectives from nouns

From:Marcos Franco <xavo@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 8, 1999, 10:37
Tem Mon, 7 Jun 1999 10:12:23 -0700, Charles <catty@...>

>to break away from natlang confusions by defining a few >unambiguous well-defined terms/symbols. E.G., English "or" >in "Who did it?" "Jane or John." It seems easy enough to >merely add a word for the inclusive/exclusive distinction, >but after a millenium English still has the ambiguity.
Yes, and not only English. I sometimes look at the mankind and its history (from a linguistical point of view) and feel sorry about those millions and zillions of people along thousands of years stumbling once and over again with the same ambiguities and misunderstoods provoked by them... And it seems it's not going to end.
>The odd thing about the UTL project is that it will be >both a loglang (to *some* extent) and an auxlang (like Ido). >Though the mathematician Couturat had a major role in >designing parts of Ido, and Peano (famous for his set theory) >invented an auxlang (Interlingua, the first of that name), >neither was especially logical in its design or constructions.
Neither they had the need. Making logical their languages didn't give them the advantages it can give us today. They were probably more worried about naturalism and/or (aparent) easiness. Saludos, Marcos