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Re: Dictionary formats

From:M. Å. <moriquende@...>
Date:Sunday, March 31, 2002, 16:40
>From: Aidan Grey <grey@...> > > Those of you with detailed dictionaries (are there any of you?), how do >you list everything in your notes? Everyone here can't be making one-to-one >wordlists. So how do you make comments indicating various usages, >compounds, and so on?
I don't list everything or even very much. In many cases I just rely on my memory, and, well, we'll see how that works when there are thousands of words... Still, that makes it no easier to define a word's meaning in other words. And, my dictionary is mostly meant to help my own memory, not for anyone else. Here are some examples of my short commenting {and what does it mean}. To other direction, another languages-to-Mamqosian, the dictionary is much simpler, almost one-to-one to save space. Acute accent is not part of the word but a ditionary note itself. It means that the marked vowel will lengthen under certain conditions. ajaidra - 1.) to tame 2.) (refl.) to become friends (with somebody) {= when the verb is transitive, it means one thing, and as both reflexive and transitive it means another.} ayjia (+ c-adp) - to go/come with, to follow {= object of this verb must be in case that usually would mean there's an adposition of way referring to it. Abbreviated as c-adpositive, because the case ending is -c.} durwa - to see/look {more detailed explanation of this and other similar verbs is given elsewhere} mölí - snow when it is falling (magrem) {= word is used in most dialects spoken by magrems, the mountain people, but seldom by dais, the lowland people.} qava - to want (+ noun) sarkjó - white animal, especially donkey; light-haired person; foreigner (negative connotation) själuwn - rain (collective, acts like a plural)
> Do you do anything to make sure that you're not relexifying, e.g. use >WordNet, or another language's dictionary?
Ha - getting inspiration: using several languages in dictionary would help - not so much explaining. Of course, that will make it even less comprehensible for other readers... >:) --- - M. Å. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at