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Re: Saying "Thank you."

From:Elliott Lash <al260@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 22, 2001, 2:11
(i orinally sent this only to one person...rather than the list)

aniyë Sylvia Sotomayor:

> On Sunday 19 August 2001 19:09, Sally Caves wrote: > > How do you say "thank you" in your conlangs? > > How do you analyze it grammatically, and how > > do you pronounce it? > > The short form: > leláñ(a) "thanks" pronounced /le-la:-nya/ > it comes from the root -láñ- which means "praise"
Amazing! I just had to create a root for "thanks" in Silindion, and without even reading this post, I made it TES, which has in common with TEK "praise" the primative formant TE-. What a coincidence that you did the same thing! :) [snip the rest] In Silindion: tesésili "I thank you" /tE`s.Es.Ili/ tes-e-si-li praise-thematic vowel-1sg-2nds enclitic. (the dotted s. is the special Silindion s which is made by almost touching the tip of the tongue to the alveolus but not quite. (what a stupid description I know, but I still haven't found an adequate way to describe it, nor an IPA symbol to write it with) A more polite expression used in High Silindion is: nési ternásya línti. /`nEs.i tEr`nasja `linti/ ne-si terna-n-sya lit-ni give-1sg thanks-acc-1sg possessive you-dative (notice assimilation -n-sy- > -sy- and the metathesis -t-n- > -nt-)


Sylvia Sotomayor <kelen@...>