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Re: Terkunan > Trekunan?

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 19:42

Mark J. Reed writes:
> My first thought is that it's odd to have those sort of constraints in > a lang that allows initial mf-.
Hehe. But Dutch allows quite wild initial clusters like [sXR] and still has exactly the same tendency to not like r + consonant, inserting schwas.
> Is that m vocalic?
Yes, unless a vowel precedes: mperi [m=peri] 'empire' u' mperi [Umperi] 'an empire'
> That's also a lot of compensatory strategies to throw into the mix. A > timeline of when each was dominant might be in order?
I suppose I need to come up with that, yes. Currently, the GMP is ordered, but there are no actual time frames assigned.
> But based on your account of Sardinian, it does at least seem plausible.
I should add that Southern Sardinian also removes rC, but it does it a bit differently, namely by swapping it to Cr in place, not backwards across a vowel: VL cardum > Sard. kaDru 'thistle' Terkunan, after this proposed change, would probably have 'kradu'. **Henrik