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Re: New Lang, but Just For Fun

From:Vasiliy Chernov <bc_@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 19, 2000, 17:20
On Tue, 18 Jan 2000 17:34:28 -0500, nicole perrin <nicole.eap@...>

>the long-lost Latin-Japanese pidgin (or creole? I don't really know my >terms here) spoken by Japanese sailors who ventured out of the Pacific >and into the Mediterranean to trade with the Romans. We all know that >Japanese trade with the Mediterranean was absolutely booming and that >Japanese sailors would definitely have had to acquire a minimal >knowledge of Vulgar Latin in order to get by in Roman colonies. Only >recently discovered, here is a (quick-quick) sketch of what they spoke:
<...> I think the historical context should be altered a bit. It seems that you take a relatively late variety of Japanese. After the change /F/ > /h/ in most positions. I forget the exact timing, but it seems to me this change could have been completed in some dialects somewhere in 17th century, but not earlier. So rather I'd think of some Jesuites establishing a theocratic state in some Pacific island, inhabited by converts of Japanese origin who were forced to speak Latin. Or, still better, of Japanese pirates conquering some lost Roman colony in... in... dunno which ocean... :D Basilius