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Re: Leute (was...)

From:J. 'Mach' Wust <j_mach_wust@...>
Date:Thursday, July 22, 2004, 10:16
On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 19:51:00 +1000, Tristan Mc Leay <kesuari@...>

>J. 'Mach' Wust wrote: > >>Shortness doesn't surprise me, since my own dialect has shortened >>many old lengths (it's 'Schwytzerdütsch', not 'Schwyyzerdüütsch'). > >Pardon me, but how is this 'y' (& 'yy') pronounced?
I'm sorry, I should have mentioned it: It's the Swiss German dialect convention for the sound of [i] as opposed to <i> that represents [I]. The same convention applies to many Swiss geographical and other names, as the canton of Schwyz, or the Mythen mountains. That use of <y> isn't made by all, especially among the younger writers. It's seldom doubled; normally <y> is used for [i] as well as for [i:]. I don't know about the origin of this use, but I suppose it's not a 20th century innovation. So it'd be "['Sv\it:srdytS] not [Sv\i:tsrdy:tS]". g_0ry@_^s: j. 'mach' wust


Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>