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Re: Yokels (was Re: Singular Pluralities)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, July 29, 2002, 4:04
>The term may have originated as a derogatory reference to rural >Southerners, but as I can attest, there are plenty of rednecks >here in Illinois. 8P Nowadays, the term really is used more as >a reference to a supposed rural uncouthness, wherever that may >be found.
They exist in California also. Mainly the small, rural towns in the coastal and central valleys. In the Sierras in small, out of the way towns, and even in places like the desert areas. Another subset of yokels to me is "white/trailer trash", which are more urbanized :). __________________________ Communication is not just words, communication is...architecture because of course it is quite obvious that the house that would be built without that desire, that desire to communicate, would not look as your house does today.