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Re: CHAT: Reformed Latin-script writing for natlangs

From:Daniel A. Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 3, 2000, 17:23
One correction:

[Now I like the way tones are marked, but I'd use a breve for the
fall-rise tone and diaeresis for the low glottalized tone]

Not the breve, but either a caron or a circumflex.  Oh, and an
apostrophe after o and u could work just as well as o-horn and u-horn
(in my reform, a also can bear a horn or an apostrophe).

By the way, here is *my* vowel reform scheme:

Current usage

i   -   u'  u
ê   â   o'  ô
e   ä   a   o

My reform:

i   -   u'  u
e   a   o'  o
e.  a.  a'  o.

V' = horn or apostrophe
V. = dot below

Now it's settled...
