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Re: velaric egressives?

From:David Peterson <thatbluecat@...>
Date:Friday, October 17, 2003, 5:27
Funny you should mention this. At one point in time, one of my languages, Njaama
( featured a velaric egressive--an
alveolar one. It was an allophone of the alveolar click [!]. All non-labial
sounds in Njaama can get the [j] phoneme following it, which shows up pretty
much as palatalization (i.e., /s/ > [S]; /t/ > [tS]; /k/ > [k_j], etc.), but
when I was trying to add a [j] to a click, what I kept coming up with was this
"inward sounding click" (the way I described it initially), and what that was
was a velaric egressive. And, if you treated the palatalized consonants in
Njaama as phonemes in their own right (which makes sense, for many of them),
then Njaama would have a velaric egressive as a phoneme.

However (yes, you knew it was coming), that was an older stage of the language. I now
have a palatalized click /!j/ becoming a lateral click (like the "giddyap!"
noise movie cowboys make). There was a time, though...!
