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Re: Lurkers

From:Piermaria Maraziti <pierma@...>
Date:Friday, April 21, 2000, 11:46
On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, yl-ruil wrote:

> I'm not trying to be offensive; I honestly don't understand. Why lurk?
Simply, I have no time to join in the discussions (not even to do active conlanging myself, sadly) but I wish to read on - also if I read very few postings and accumulate almost all of them hoping in better times... Ciao! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piermaria Maraziti - - ait anuas [Ex Arcano] - ainulindale: - Discordia l'Eterno - +3934735GILDA ICQ:744473 Gran Siniscalco del Leale Ordine della Cavalleria et Stregoneria Italica