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Re: Lurkers

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, April 21, 2000, 11:32
>To all our Lurkers: >I'm not trying to be offensive; I honestly don't understand. Why lurk? >Don't you feel like you want to join in with all the arguments (whoops! >civilised debates). That's the best bit for me- my first day on the list >I sparked off an argument (the s-->h debate, which I thought should go >s->z->h) and the most recent such was my argument with Vasily about >fracturing in OE (that was fun! thanks Basileus!). What do you actually >do, just read all the postings?
I've actually wondered this from time to time myself. Is not the purpose of a mailing list to join in the conversations? Hmm, perhaps they're just shy? Anyway, don't worry, as you probably know the regular posters are a nice bunch of people. It would be great to see all of you lurker's conlangs too. ________________________________________________ The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of holes.