> > Talking about "anecdots", I don't know the exact
> > meaning of the word in English, but in French, it
> > justs means a short unimportant story you might tell
> > when chattering with friends. It doesn't have to be
> > funny at all - might even be tragic.
> Ray wRote;
> Yep - 'anecdote' means much the same in English. I's often - tho by no
> means always - associated with older people and their habit of beginning
> "Now, when I was a boy....."/ "Now, when I was a girl....". Some people
> humorously refer to this stage in one's ife as their "anecdotage" ;)
In British English it means an amusing or entertaining tale, usually told in
an afer dinner environment. Unlike a joke it dosn't have a punch line. It's
not associated with any age group.